Fortinet FortiADC-VM08 Virtual Appliance - FAD-VM08

  • Comprehensive server load balancing for 99.999% application uptime
  • Server offloading for improved application acceleration, scale, & TCO
  • Intelligent traffic management for optimized application delivery and availability
  • Hardware-based SSL Offloading, Forward Proxy, and Visibility
  • Authentication Offloading
  • Included Global Servers Load Balancing & Link Load Balancing
  • Manufacturer Part #: FAD-VM08

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The FortiADC Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) optimize the availability, user experience, performance and scalability of Enterprise Application Delivery. The FortiADC family of physical appliances delivers fast, secure and intelligent acceleration and distribution of demanding applications in the enterprise.

Acceleration and Performance

Multi-core processor technology, combined with hardware-based SSL offloading to accelerate application performance.

Application Availability

24x7 application availability through automatic failover, global server load balancing, and link load balancing to optimize WAN connectivity.

Enhanced Protection

Advanced threat detection with Fortinet Security Fabric antivirus and sandbox integration.

Hardware-Based SSL Offloading, SSL Inspection, and Visibility

FortiADC offloads server-intensive SSL processing with support for 4096-bit keys, TCP connection management, data compression and HTTP request processing from servers. This speeds up response times, reduces load on the backend servers, allowing them to serve more users.

SSL Forward Proxy utilizes FortiADCs high-capacity decryption and encryption to allow other devices, such as a FortiGate firewall, to easily inspect traffic for threats. An inline pair of FortiADCs at the front end and back end of a firewall remove all encryption so that the firewall isnt taxed with the additional load of SSL processing. FortiADC ensures seamless re-encryption with certificates intact with no user disruptions.

FortiADCs Transparent HTTP/S and TCP/S Mirroring Capabilities decrypt secure traffic for inspection and reporting. Copies of clear traffic can be sent for analysis by FortiGate or other third-party solutions for an indepth view of threats that may be hidden in encrypted traffic while FortiADC continues to perform its application delivery functions.

FortiADC integrates with Gemaltos SafeNet Enterprise Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to use the advanced security certificates managed by the HSM for the encryption and decryption of secure application traffic. This lets organizations that use Gemaltos SafeNet HSMs deploy a high-performance ADC solution using a strong, centrally-managed set of certificates and encryption keys.

Optimize Performance with PageSpeed, Caching, and Compression

FortiADC provides multiple services that speed the delivery of applications to users. The PageSpeed suite of website performance enhancement tools can automatically optimize HTTP, CSS, Javascript and image delivery to application users. Caching on FortiADC dynamically stores popular application content such as images, videos, HTML files and other file types to alleviate server resources and accelerate overall application performance. HTTP Compression employs GZIP and DEFLATE to intelligently compress many content types used by todays latest web-based applications to reduce bandwidth needs and improve the user application experience.

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Product NameFortinet FortiADC-VM08 Virtual Appliance
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